Saturday 12 December 2015

The Black Sheep Test : 8 Signs Your Mother is a Narcissist (Video)

Can you not do right for doing wrong? do you feel as though it doesnt matter what you achieve it will never be good enough to win the praise of your mother? Does she delight in your downfall and use every opportunity to tell the world about your failings? Known as the black sheep of the family?

Your mother may be a narcissist and you are not alone this video will help you determine if you have been the victim of  a narcissistic mother. 

As always stay strong.

With love and empathy The Scapegoat

The Co Dependant Mind How to Think Like an Adult (Video)

If you have grown up with Narcissistic parents there is a good chance you will find yourself becoming codependent in relationships setting you up many more years of misery with other abusers. You can break out of this pattern of trying to please impossible people while your own needs never go fulfilled and learn to please yourself in a way that is healthy and constructive.

Lisa A. Romano is a Breakthrough Life Coach who specializes in helping people heal their childhood programming. If you have been raised by alcoholics, narcissists, or if you are struggling with codependency, and have been attracting narcissists into your life these videos will help you unravel the dysfunctional beliefs that are holding you back.

For professional inquires;

Overcoming and Facing Your Fear

Fear is a natural feeling yet it remains terribly difficult to overcome. The question is, is there really a way to overcome your fears? One of the things that causes our fear is thinking negatively. Have you ever realized that 80 to 90 percent of what we worry every single day of our life never really comes into reality? You should not let fears rule your life.

There are different kinds of fear: fear of rejection, fear of failure or fear of making mistakes. You should know that having this kind of fear will not help you to succeed. Fear is an obstacle or hindrance on your way to success. Watch the following videos below and start overcoming and facing your fears.

Overcoming Your Fears Brenda Dixon

Untie The Knots : Acknowledging Your Fears and Pushing Through Featuring Ty Howard

Facing and Overcoming Fear

Why You Need to Let Go of The Need to Be Right

Our world is full of variety. On any given day we can have both positive and negative experiences. Many of these experiences ultimately influence the way we see the world and the opinions we form about how the world works.

Everyone lives in the context of their own perspective. While one person may look at a snow storm and be excited about the possibilities to get out and have fun, another person might be full of fear because they had previously been involved in a driving accident caused by dangerous winter driving conditions.

The events and circumstances are neutral. Our opinions about them are not!

Since we all have our own way of seeing the world, conflict with family, friends, colleagues, etc... is inevitable. There is absolutely no way that you are going to process every event in the same way as the people in your life. When these conflicts and differences of opinion arise, are you prepared to deal with them?

While I do believe that a good debate can often lead to effective solutions of problems, many debates can turn sour and become more toxic than helpful. When this happens, it is important to recognize that the situation will likely end in a stale mate and that you don't "need" to be right.

The "need to be right" can be harmful to your health. If you spend all of your focus and energy trying desperately to convince someone else that your perspective is the correct one, you are creating a huge amount of unneeded stress in your life. If you go into this mode of "needing to be right", you should take a step back and ask yourself why. Why do I need to be right? Why do I need this other person to accept my way of thinking so badly?

This ultimately comes down to self esteem. If you believe in your heart that a certain perspective is 100% true, there is absolutely no need to force anyone else to agree with you. The sooner you can embrace this, the sooner you will reduce stress and create more happiness in your life.

Embrace the idea of not "needing to be right". If someone is taking an aggressive stance with you and trying to force an opinion on you that you do not agree with, let it go! Let them be right in their head and you can confidently carry your own truth in your heart.

Why Your Hardships Are Assets

I have recently started following an up and coming motivational speaker based out of the US named Eric Thomas. Eric has a very inspirational story and is doing some incredible work to help the inner city youth throughout the country.

In one of his talks to a group of students, he describes dropping out of high school and spending over 2 years of his life homeless and living in fear on a daily basis. This was a very common theme in the area he grew up in. He then states that that period of his life is actually his greatest gift! After feeling the pain of living on the streets, he overcame the odds, completed high school and college and is now an international speaker working on his PhD.

From the moment I heard his story and the way he described his hardships as a gift, my perspective was forever changed. I started thinking about all of the times in my life where I felt overwhelmed or frustrated by my circumstances. Luckily for me, my situation was never as dire as being homeless or living in fear for my safety. My problems were very minor in comparison. Why then, was I reacting with the same amount of stress and overwhelm as someone in a much worse position?

I realized that I was basically spoiled. I think many of us in this part of the world are. We have been sheltered from so many hardships that it has actually made us soft and in some cases very weak.

We should embrace our challenges and move towards those things that we are afraid of. Instead of talking ourselves out of a risky idea, we should focus on the potential benefits of our ideas and lean into them.

As a former corporate employee turned business owner, I think about all of the problems I inherited by giving up my salary to go out on my own. I have had times where I didnÕt know if my business would survive another month, times where I had to confront a client that was becoming increasingly difficult to work with, times where I did not get paid thousands of dollars owed to me for work completed (not to mention many other issues). These are among many of the reasons why people talk themselves out of ever trying to start a business for themselves.

The truth is that each one of those hardships has strengthened me. They are assets that I use in my own personal arsenal to keep me motivated and driving forward toward my goals. Every time I conquer a new challenge, I see myself as a bigger person who is now capable of achieving more than ever before.

Hardships in life are an asset. Instead of avoiding them, seek them out and face them head on.

Accepting Who You Are (Infographic and Video)

When you accept who you are you set yourself free from the impossible task of trying to please everyone and living for other people's approval. These quotes will help you stay in that positive mindset of accepting yourself as the wonderful unique person you are.

How Your Diet Affects the Development of Depression

Having depression can be quite… well… depressing. Pardon the lack of an appropriate expression, but the main thing is that we all know that depression can be pretty devastating. It is a hindrance to our social advancement as well as to our personal happiness.

There are some cases that people find a relief for depression by eating food or diet supplements that boost up the level of tryptophan.  Tryptophan is a kind of amino acid that is responsible in producing serotonin.

There is also a study that proves that carbohydrates is an anti depression supplements. It lessens the premenstrual syndrome for about three hours.

Simply by eating a high density of carbohydrates can diminished the effect of depression in the body. Carbohydrates repair the imbalance in the ration of the specific fatty acid. Imbalances of fatty acids can affect the risk of depression.

There is also a study that shows an association between moderate consumption of caffeine drinks which lower the symptoms of depression; any excess can heighten the risk.   Proper diet also helps to lower the tendency of committing suicide, in which depression is one of the primary causes. In this study, the doctors have formulated that by drinking coffee or tea, you can reduce the effect of depression.

There are also certain habits that contain harmful substances that may trigger the symptoms of depression, like drinking alcoholic beverages, too much cigarette smoking, and drug overdose.

Vitamins and other food nutrients such as Vitamin B, Iodine, Vitamin C, Calcium, and Amino complex have been associated with some protection against depression.

Niacin is also a very important in the production of tryptophan that helps promotes Vitamin B3 and it has been found out that it regulates blood flow in order to avoid mental depression.

Vitamin B12 and calcium ingredients may help in depression that take place during the monthly menstrual period. In the year 2001, there was a study that proves that this vitamin can prevent postpartum depression.

Those kinds of food supplements and vitamins may enhance the effectiveness of SSRI and other antidepressant.

In order to avoid depression you must choose your food wisely and have a proper diet.

What You Need To Do When Someone You Know Has To Deal With Depression, Anxiety And Fear

What do you do when you someone you know has to deal with persistent fears and anxieties or even depression? Well the first thing you need to do is to get the person to seek the services of a professional and/or counselor who can lead them in the right direction and give them the help they need. In the meantime, here are some other things you can do to help the person cope.

Learn as much as you can in managing fears, anxieties and depression. There are many books and information that will educate on how to deal with fear and anxiety. Share this information with the person who is struggling. Education is the key in finding the answers your looking for in managing your fears.

Be understanding and patient with the person struggling with their fears. Dealing with depression and anxiety can be difficult for the person so don’t add more problems than what is already there.

As for the person dealing with the anxiety, he or she must realize that managing anxiety and fear takes practice. So when experiencing an anxiety related situation, begin to learn what works, what doesn’t work, and what you need to improve on in managing your fears and anxieties. As you do this, you will become better in dealing with your anxieties.

Don’t forget to Pray and ask God for help. A person can only do so much. Asking God for help can give us additional resources to help manage our fears and anxieties. It is not always easy, however God is in control and he will help you if you ask him.

Another thing to remember is that things change and events do not stay the same. For instance, you may feel overwhelmed in the mornings with your anxiety and feel that this is how you will feel the rest of the day. This isn’t correct. No one can predict the future with 100 Percent accuracy. Even if the thing that you feared does happen there are circumstances and factors that you can’t predict which can be used to your advantage. You never know when the help and answers you are looking for will come to you.

As a Layman, I realize it is not easy to deal with all of our fears. When your fears and anxieties have the best of you, seek help from a professional. The key is to be patient, take it slow, and not to give up. In time, you will be able to find those resources that will help you with your problems.

When Do You See A Doctor If You Have (Or You Think You Have) Depression?

If you have depression, or at least you think you have one, you must realize that you should not diagnose yourself. You need to have a healthcare practitioner that is skilled to give you a correct assessment and professional diagnosis of your condition.

There is absolutely no reason to feel shy or embarrassed when talking to a healthcare provider regarding any symptoms of your condition. There are many healthcare professionals that are very understanding of your problem. After all, they were trained to study and treat depression.

If you have symptoms like these, do not hesitate consulting a medical practitioner. Before getting any actual help or treatment for depression, you must need to first have a diagnosis that is correct.

You see, these symptoms are also symptomatic of other problems. For example, weight loss, fatigue and sleeping patterns may not be caused by depression, but by some medical problem. Other symptoms like losing interest in activities that you previously enjoyed or problems with attention or memory may not be related to depression at all but may be indicative of a undiagnosed medical condition.

You need to consult a doctor so that you can make sure that the symptoms you are experiencing are actually a result of your depression and from there, you can start what the best treatment for you individual case. The doctor might ask you to answer questions to fully assess and help determine if you actually have depression and possibly conduct tests to determine that your symptoms are a result of some other health issue.

Depression is a medical condition that is real. Remember that having depression is not something that you want to have. You probably would not think less of someone who has influenza or is suffering from heart disease. In the same manner, you must not be ashamed or feel guilty that you suffer from depression.

Depression will not go away by "toughing it out" or "being strong.” Being weak in your will does not instantly cause you to be depressed. Most cases of depression can't simply go away just by trying to cheer up. You can't simply make it go away by doing exercises, taking vitamins or going on a vacation. Treating your depression requires professional help - you can't do it alone. Like any other serious illnesses, depression needs professional treatment from a healthcare practitioner. When you are suffering from depression, you need to ask for help to make the problem go away.

Your feelings might change when treatment comes along. You should be pleased to know that depression has proved to be one of the most easily treated conditions.

When you are seeking treatment for your depression, what type of healthcare professional should you see?

Although there are some issues raised on what treatment is the best for depression problems (whether it is drugs, therapy, or if it is a mixture of both), there is actually a type of healthcare professional that is highly qualified to help you recover from depression and various mood disorders that use medications or drugs: a psychiatrist.

Psychologists, in fairness, are also highly qualified to cure depression problems, but they are not medical professionals and as such, cannot prescribe medications. You should realize that psychologists specialize in therapy, especially talk therapy. If you do not know if you need drugs or medications, it might prove best to start your treatment of depression under a psychiatrist's care.

If you think you might also have a good chance of eliminating depression through talk therapy, many psychiatrists can also be good in this, although there are some that may refer you to more experienced therapists. More on this in an upcoming article.

The Main Causes of Depression

Usually in our adolescence, we are exposed to many sudden and inexplicable mood swings as a result of our body undergoing various hormonal changes that prepare us for adulthood.

Aside from increased social pressures, the onset of menstruation, for example, introduces adolescent girls to premenstrual tension (or premenstrual syndrome) and the menstrual cramps, the former being a mixture of physical and psychological symptoms, including temporary weight gain, fluid retention, depression, fits of temper and the like.

Of these, depression is perhaps one of the most commonly identified conditions that both males and females attest to, particularly at the onset of puberty.

Depression is a term we colloquially use to pertain to any particular period of prolonged sadness and lethargy. Colloquial use would even allow us to call depression any 'low' point in between periods of 'high' or happiness. A popular one-liner, which many of us are familiar with, even goes as far as saying that depression is in fact simply anger without enthusiasm.

However, the real essence of depression is the fact that you can't simply 'snap out of it', and that it has the capacity to disrupt your daily activities. It is characterized by prolonged sadness, anxiety, unusual mood shifts accompanied by a degree of irrational thought, pessimism, and is responsible for changes in the way we eat, sleep, or interact with other people that in effect incapacitates us from participating in productive activities.

Depression is deemed a disorder that requires treatment and attention first because it may be a cause for withdrawal from society as it gives a semblance of suffering, pessimism, and low self-esteem. Secondly, depression may cause changes in physical behavior (like eating or sleeping) that may disrupt regular daily activities or may be mortally dangerous for whoever suffers from it. It may also, in effect, harm interactions with other people, particularly those within the atomic community (like family and friends).

Lastly, the accompanying decrease in rational thought causes some people to eventually result to thoughts of harming oneself or even suicide.

Should you find yourself potentially exhibiting that degree of depression, it is best that you seek immediate help from a professional. The reason is because the many forms of depression, each varying in degree of abnormality it lends, are currently treatable. It will also allow you to accurately determine whether you may simply be suffering from a common or minor depression, which is a mild but similarly prolonged form of depression, or a severe or major depression.

What is severe or major depression then? Severe or major depression, which medical experts also call clinical depression, unipolar depression, or major depressive disorder, is a sort of depression that necessitates medical treatment.

This is because severe depression is thought to be a result of a chemical imbalance in the brain. This particular brand of depression is recognized as possibly hereditary by many psychiatrists and specialists.

Doctors detect severe depression by particular behavioral patterns that emerge. The first is that of a constant feeling of sadness or anxiety. This may be accompanied by feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. Another is when you feel lethargic, tired, or without energy despite the fact that you did not engage in any physical activity of any form alongside a feeling of restlessness. You may also feel a decreased capacity to concentrate and make decisions.

The more 'telling' signs that accompany the previous symptoms, which may be attributed to seasonal hormonal imbalances, strenuous physical activities, or physical sickness for non-depressive individuals, have a more or less social implication to them.

If you are suffering from severe depression, you may have a feeling of being uninterested in usual activities or hobbies and you may eventually withdraw from them. Changes in your appetite may also emerge, leading to drastic weight loss.

Another change is in sleeping habits, which may imply difficulty in sleeping, waking up too early, or sleeping too much. With these physically notable changes and the previous general symptoms is a prevalent feeling of inadequateness, hopelessness and guilt. Altogether, these may lead to thoughts of suicide or obsession over death and dying.

The fact that depression can happen to anyone including you, should be enough impetus to better understand depression. Understanding that people around you (and there are many of them) suffer from depression will both allow you to better interact with them, or, should you be suffering from it as well, allow you to benefit from support groups or other people who can better help you deal with the disorder and stop you from succumbing to it.

Getting Help Treating Depression

Health care providers can take care of depressed people. A physician, for one, has also training in treating psychiatric disorders. The same goes with the physician assistant and the nurse practitioner. If the case is severe, these health care providers will automatically refer the patient to mental health specialists.

The mental health specialists are composed of the following: psychiatrist, psychologist, a psychiatric nurse specialist and even a social worker.

The psychiatrist offers treatment and diagnosis for mental and psychiatric patients. A psychologist, on the other hand, is trained for counseling, psychological examination and psychotherapy. The social worker knows counseling to a certain degree, whereas a registered nurse who has taken masterals in psychiatric nursing can help out the patient.

Before the diagnosis can be made, the health care providers or mental health specialists will ask the patient on the following: symptoms, overall health and medical and mental history of the family. A physical exam will be carried out as well as some lab tests.

Depression, being an illness, requires tremendous emotional support from the family. A family member must accompany the patient on doctor visits to give the latter a boost.

During the course of the visit, the doctor will figure out if the case is severe, mild or moderate. Depression is severe if the person experiences all the symptoms and if it keeps him from doing all his daily activities. Moderate, if the person has a lot of the symptoms that it hampers his activities. It can be categorized mild if the person has some of the depression symptoms and if he needs more push to do all the things he needs to do.

No one must underestimate depression. It is a real illness, and therefore the patient needs all the help and attention he can get.

As said earlier, you are not alone in this problem. Fortunately, depression, of all psychiatric illnesses, proves to be one of the most treatable. With proper care, more than 80 percent of those suffering from major depression experience significant improvement. Even those suffering from severe depression can helped. Here are some treatments for depression problems:

Psychotherapy There are many types and methods of therapeutic approaches used for treating depression. The most common types are behavioral therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, rational emotive therapy, and interpersonal therapy. Approaches also include psychodynamic and family approaches. Both the individual as well as group modalities have been used commonly, but these depend on the severity of one's depression, the financial resources of the person, and resources that are available locally.

Arguably the most prominent therapy in treating depression, the cognitive behavioral therapy is commonly used for handling the condition. There has been extensive research and medical studies that conducted to check or assess the safety as well as the effectiveness in treating depression using this type of therapy.

Considered the father of cognitive behavioral therapy, many written studies and books support this type of therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy uses simple techniques that focus primarily on the patient's negative thought patterns. These negative thought patterns are also known as cognitive distortions. A person suffering from depression may from time to time use these cognitive distortions, igniting the condition.

The therapy starts with the establishment of a supportive and warm environment for one suffering from depression. Making the patient learn about how his or her depression problem may be a result of thinking in cognitive distortions is generally the next step. The types of faulty logic and thinking are also discussed in this step (such as "everything or nothing logic," "blame mis-attribution," "overgeneralization," among others) and the person being treated is encouraged to start taking notes of the thoughts he or she has been having as they happen throughout his or her day. This is conducted for the person to understand and realize how often and common this kind of thoughts are occuring.

In this type of therapy, the emphasis is mainly placed on realizing the thoughts as well as the behaviors that are associated with the depression problem rather than on the emotions themselves. The rationale for this emphasis is that is strongly believed that by altering one's thoughts and consequently, behaviors, his or her emotions will most likely change as well. Because of this type of therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy is often short-term (generally lasts up to a dozen sessions or two only) and best suits people that are experiencing some kind of distress that is related to the depression they are having. Individuals that are able to handle a problem using a perspective that is unique and therefore are most likely cognitively-oriented could also do well under this approach.

Interpersonal therapy, on the other hand, is also a therapy on a short-term basis used for treating depression. In this type of treatment, the focus usually lies on the social relationships of the patient and determine ways in improving these relationships. It is strongly believed that in order to improve the overall well-being of a person (or the patient in the case); he or she needs to have a stable and good social support.

When a person's relationships become unhealthy, the person would most likely suffer from this problem. This therapy approach then seeks to enrich one's skills in social relationships, expression of his or her emotions, assertiveness, and communication skills. This type of approach is usually done individually but sometimes can be used also in a setting for group therapy.

Many individual approaches would place importance more on the patient's active personal involvement in recovering from depression. Persons being treated under an individual approach are usually enticed and encouraged to finish homework assignments between sessions. If the person is not capable yet to join in therapy sessions actively, then his or her therapist could be the one to first provide the patient an environment that supports him or her until the medication starts to help improve his or her state of feelings and mind.

Psychodynamic or psychoanalytic approaches in treating depression currently do not have much research to recommend their use. Although there are some therapists that might use psychodynamic theory in helping conceptualize a patient's personality, there are some issues raised on how this could prove to be an effective and efficient depression treatment.

Couples or family therapy could also be considered if the depression of the patient directly affects family relationships. These types of therapy focus on the interpersonal relationships among family members. In addition, these approaches seek to ensure good communication in the family. The roles of the family members in a patient's depression could be examined. Education about the depression problem in general might also be used as part of the family therapy.

Medication The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved numerous medications for treating depression. These drugs have been sorted into classes; each medication has a unique chemical structure which acts on various chemicals present in the brain.

It is necessary to remember that all medications approved by the DFA to treat depression are effective and recommended - they just do not work the same effect for everybody.

You might want to closely work with the doctor in determining which drug is the best for your condition. Sometimes, conditions may involve having more than just one medication; some work with a mixture of medications. This is important: Do not change your medication or discontinue your dosage without asking your doctor.

What is Bipolar Disorder and How Do You Treat it?

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a diagnostic category describing a class of mood disorders where the person experiences states or episodes of depression and/or mania, hypomania, and/or mixed states. Left untreated, it is a severely disabling psychiatric condition.

The difference between bipolar disorder and major depression is that bipolar disorder involves "energized" or "activated" mood states in addition to depressed mood states. The duration and intensity of mood states varies widely among people with the illness.

Fluctuating from one mood state to another is called "cycling" or having mood swings. Mood swings cause impairment not only in one's mood, but also in one's energy level, sleep pattern, activity level, social rhythms and thinking abilities. Many people become fully disabled, for some period of time, after being diagnosed, and during this time may have great difficulty functioning.

The vast majority of people diagnosed with suffer from depression. In fact, there is at least a 3 to 1 ratio of time spent depressed versus time spent in a normal mood or hypomanic or manic during the course of the bipolar I subtype of the illness. People with the bipolar II subtype remain depressed for substantially longer. Up to 37 times longer than bipolar I.

A 2003 study by Robert Hirschfeld, M.D., of the University of Texas, Galveston found bipolar patients fared worse in their depressions than unipolar patients.

In terms of disability, lost years of productivity and potential for suicide, bipolar depression is now recognized as the most insidious aspect of the illness.

Severe depression may be accompanied by symptoms of psychosis. These symptoms include hallucinations and delusions. They may also suffer from paranoid thoughts of being persecuted or monitored by some powerful entity such as the government or a hostile force.

Intense and unusual religious beliefs may also be present, such as patients' strong insistence that they have a God-given role to play in the world, a great and historic mission to accomplish, or even that they possess supernatural powers. Delusions in a depression may be far more distressing, sometimes taking the form of intense guilt for supposed wrongs that the patient believes he or she has inflicted on others.

Treatment for Bipolar Disorder

Currently bipolar disorder cannot be cured but it can be managed. The emphasis of treatment is on effective management of the long-term course of the illness, which can involve treatment of emergent symptoms. Treatment methods include pharmacological and psychological techniques.

A variety of medications are used to treat bipolar disorder. Most people with bipolar disorder require combinations of medications.

Relapse of Bipolar Disorder

Even when on medication, some people may still experience weaker episodes or have a complete manic or depressive episode. The following behaviors can lead to depressive or manic relapse:

* Discontinuing or lowering one's dose of medication without consulting one's physician.

* Being under or over medicated. Generally, taking a lower dosage of a mood stabilizer can lead to relapse into mania. Taking a lower dosage of an antidepressant, may cause the patient to relapse into depression, while higher doses can cause destabilization into mixed-states or mania.

* Taking other psychotropic or recreational drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, or heroin. These can cause the condition to worsen.

* An inconsistent sleep schedule can destabilize the illness. Too much sleep can lead to depression, while too little sleep can lead to mixed states or mania.

* Excessive amounts of caffeine can cause destabilization of mood toward irritability, dysphoria and mania.

* Inadequate stress management and poor lifestyle choices. If unmedicated, excessive stress can cause the individual to relapse. Medication raises the stress threshold somewhat, but too much stress still causes relapse.

The information presented here should not be interpreted as medical advice. If you or someone you know is suffers from a bipolar disorder, please seek professional medical advice for the latest treatment options.

The Health Benefits Of Tai Chi

More and more people are looking at the different alternative health therapy options these days. In this article, I write about the health benefits which using tai chi can bring. I hope you enjoy the read.

Tai chi is the most popular exercise in the world today. It is relatively new to the western world but is becoming more and more popular. The two thousand year old Chinese martial art is quite simple to do and has many benefits.

I have been attending tai chi classes for around a year now and it has massively helped me to control my anxiety and stress levels. Stress has been a big factor in my life and I have always struggled to think in a positive way. I now try many alternative treatments to manage my stress including meditation and tai chi. Both work very well for me.

I was introduced to tai chi by a friend. I must say that I did not really know much about it before this. He told me that it had helped him no end in controlling his depression. His name is John and he has many issues in his life which not only affect his self-confidence but also makes him very depressed at times. John has been attending tai chi classes for nearly two years and has seemingly become a new man. For whatever reason he did not tell people about what he was doing. On a night out I mentioned to him that he had been a lot happier in the recent months. This is when he talked to me about tai chi. He also asked if I would like to attend the classes with him, which I duly agreed to. I am very glad that we had this conversation as I can also quite easily spiral into a state of depression.

It may be a piece of mind thing as I know that I will be attending a tai chi once a week, but I am now very able to deal with stress and am far less anxious than I ever used to be.

People have also mentioned that I look far healthier and even that I look younger than before. This is supposed to be another benefit of tai chi, it helps to delay the aging process. This is good for somebody like me as people always thought that I was around five years older than I actually was.

Other health benefits of tai chi:

Helps to keep people mobile well into old age

Helps to improve balance

Helps to reduce asthma

Helps people to recover from certain injuries

Helps to boost the immune system

Helps to lower blood pressure

In conclusion, if you are like me and are a person who is always stressed out and often depressed, tai chi could be the answer for you. Give it a go and it could change your life.

It goes without saying that tai chi is not for everybody and I would also recommend meditation, reflexology, aromatherapy, and hypnotherapy.

I am a person who likes to try new things as I am always trying to improve my life. I want to live a long, happy and stress free life. Using these forms of alternative treatments is helping me to achieve this at the moment.

Top Ten So-Called "Habits" That May Indicate That You Have Anxiety

There isn't anyone in this world who does not engage in some sort of "habit"...and often on a daily basis. Some people walk fast, while others twist their hair, for example. While most of these are actually benign behaviors, you should know that there are some habits that actually could be a sign that you suffer from anxiety.

Below are ten of the most common behaviors that people often erroneously refer to as "habits, without realizing that they may be attempting to compensate for feeling anxious:

1. Smoking - So many people smoke now...although many are learning that it can cause great harm to their health. There are many smoking cessation programs available which one can access. Note that smoking is often a telltale sign of anxiety.

2. Nail Biting - Thousands of people bite their nails every day. This ordinarily does not do much harm to people, except that it may lead to infection around the nail. Pay attention to the fact that you may be engaging in "nail biting" because you feel nervous and stressed.

3. Hair Pulling - This is more common than people think. Some people pull hair out from various regions of the body (eyelashes, eyebrows, scalp, etc...) when they feel anxious about something. Often this is done unconsciously. If done regularly and in excess, it can lead to hair-loss, and may be a sign of a more serious disorder known as "trichotillomania" (a close relative of a disorder known as OCD-Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). Just note that this could indicate that you have anxiety.

4. Leg Bouncing - This can't do any harm to you...except to drive other people nuts watching you bounce your leg! However, it could be a sign to you that you need to relax more and are suffering from anxiety.

5. Foot Tapping - This can't cause any problems, other than to annoy others who are watching you tap your feet! Although...your feet might get tired! Bear in mind that "foot tapping" may be more than just a may indicate that you are stressed out.

6. Overeating - Most of us love to eat! But if done in excess, it could cause significant weight gain and lead to a variety of health problems. Comfort foods, such as brownies, cookies, fast food, and other high-sugar/high-fat snacks can cause obesity. Keep in mind that your "habit" of overeating may be a clear sign of anxiety.

7. Undereating - This could create a problem in that you may not get adequate nutrition and you could lose significant amounts of weight, which is referred to as "anorexia" in the medical world. It is essential to get the proper vitamins and minerals in order to stay healthy. Please note that undereating could be a sign that you have anxiety.

8. Oversleeping - This is known in the medical world as "hypersomnia". It can't do any harm to you, but if you are oversleeping you may be depressed. Depression is a close relative of anxiety, so be aware that you may have "hypersomnia" because you suffer from anxiety.

9. Undersleeping - This is known in the medical world as "insomnia" and can effect what's known as cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone that is effected when sleep is inadequate. Balanced cortisol levels are highly essential to having proper sleep, and thus keeping anxiety at a minimum. If you have "insomnia", then this may be a clear indicator that you have anxiety.

10. Skin Picking - This "habit" can cause harm to you, in that it may create scarring or infection to the area that is being picked. Note that sometimes people who engage in this "habit" are doing it to relieve stress or anxiety.

There are four easy steps to help you to better understand your "habit" and its cause:

Step 1. Pay attention to your own behavior, and notice your "habits."

Step 2. Ask others what habits they see you engaging in, of which you may be unaware.

Step 3. Document in a journal what these habits are, and when you engage in them. (e.g. "I seem to pace just before a big exam in school.")

Step 4. Over time, you can establish a pattern of when you engage in a particular habit, and thus pinpoint the cause.

6 Top Tips For Beating Depression

Everyone has days when they are down, worn out and just not feeling all that happy.

That's OK, you need to have days like this, otherwise how would you know when you are happy. You need to have something to contrast your happiness with. What is black without white?

Even though you know that sadness is a part of life, let's try to make it a small part of life.

With that said, here are a few tips to help you feel better when you are feeling down in the dumps. They are easy to do, easy to practice every day and they work!

1. Stand up straight, sit up straight. When your body is in alignment your energy can flow and when your energy is flowing freely, you can flow.

2. Smile! Yes, just smile. Easy to do and effective.

3. Repeat positive affirmations. Things like "I feel good", "Positive energy flows through my body", "I see the good in all".

4. Listen to some music that you like. It doesn't have to be anything specific, just something you enjoy. Certain types of music work better than others, but experiment and see what works for you. Studies have shown that Classical music and new age music work best.

5. Take some time out for yourself, relax and read a book, do something for yourself.

6. Meditate. Meditation is an excellent habit to develop. It will serve you in all that you do. If you are one who has a hard time sitting still, then try some special meditation CDs that coax your brain into the meditative state. Just search for "Meditation music" on Google or Yahoo and explore.

Our outside work is simply a reflection of our inside world. Remember there is no reality just your perception of it. Use this truth to your advantage. Whenever you are sad, realize that it is all in your mind and you do have the power to change your perception.

These tips will lift you up when you are down, but don't just use them when you are sad. Try and practice them everyday, make them a habit. You will be surprised at how these simple exercises will keep the rainy days away.

On a final note, if you are in a deep depression that you can't seem to shake, please go see a doctor. This is your life and don't take any chances.

Warning Signs Of Adolescent Depression

We are all concerned about the health of our children from the moment that they emerge into the world, but an overlooked aspect of their health could turn out to be one of the biggest factors. A child's mental health, and, later in life, an adolescent's mental health, have huge effects on the way that our children and teens live. Problems like depression can affect the quality of life for your adolescent, and can even affect their physical health.

If you think that your adolescent may be depressed, look for the signs described in this article. If they exhibit several of the signs, consult with your pediatrician to see if they think that your teenager might be suffering from depression. Adolescent depression can cause symptoms such as:

<b>Irregular sleep -</b> Sometimes teenagers are just on a different sleep schedule than their parents. It is perfectly normal for a teen to stay up late at night and to want to sleep in well into the next day. This is not an attitude problem, but a rewiring of their brains that drives them to these "abnormal" hours. They will return to "normal" as time goes on. What is not normal is a teen that sleeps all the time, going to bed early, sleeping late, and retiring for naps. It is also not normal for an adolescent to suffer from insomnia. While these could be symptoms of other problems, they can also be signs of depression.

Lack of energy - Despite all that extra sleep, does your adolescent still seem fatigued or tired much of the time? Low energy and lots of sleep could be signs of a problem with the thyroid, it could be something else entirely, or it could be an example of a symptom of depression.

Loss of interest It might be hard to tell if your child has become disinterested in things that used to interest them if they are not open with you, but it pays to pay close attention. If your adolescent is no longer interested in things like keeping in contact with their friends or in playing the latest video games, whatever he or she used to be excited about, then it could be cause for concern.

Change of appetite -Is your always-hungry teen suddenly disinterested in food? Is your teenager suddenly and uncharacteristically eating all the time (particularly "comfort foods" or sweets)? These could both be signs of depression, and should be watched carefully. They could also indicate problems like an eating disorder, and so should be taken seriously no matter what the circumstances.

Irritability - While it can be hard to tell if your teen is irritable in general or just snappy with you as an authority figure, it is good to note that excessive irritability may be a sign of depression.

A bleak outlook - If your child is suddenly talking in the negative or talking about suicide, chalking it up to "mood swings" can be a mistake that can have deadly consequences. This may be one of the most overlooked of the depression signs in adolescents because many parents feel that it is normal to be pessimistic in the teenage years. This is also often paired with self-loathing, which may manifest in a variety of ways including verbally ("I'm such a loser" or "No one likes me, anyway"), self-abuse like cutting, or talk of suicide.

You should never treat these symptoms in your adolescents as a bid for attention. While one or two of the symptoms may be symptomatic of other problems or just of being a teenager, they could also be symptoms of depression. If you see any number of these symptoms in your adolescent, it is imperative that you get into contact with their pediatrician as soon as possible.

While you may be able to talk to your teen about the depression, it really depends on your relationship with your adolescent and how you think that they will respond to your line of questioning. You should never accuse if you see warning signs of depression in your adolescent, but should talk gently with them to find out if they are willing to share their problems.

Depression in adolescents is a serious problem, but with close attention on your part and the intervention of a pediatrician with the right therapies or medications, you can effectively eliminate the immediate dangers of this terrible disease. Diagnosis and intervention can be the tools that help you save your adolescent from the dangers and pitfalls of this illness, and your awareness is what will get them there.

Treatment for Anxiety Attacks

Panic attacks can effect your quality of living and drag you down from doing the things you enjoy. If you have ever experienced a panic attack, then you know the feeling of terror that accompanies them, as well as the crippling fear that it might happen again.  If you are one of the three million Americans who have had multiple panic attacks, you should know that there are ways to control panic attack symptoms.

The symptoms are similar to a heart attack, and a sensation that you have lost touch with reality and an impending dread often accompanies the physical symptoms.  While you might end up in the emergency room the first time, this is not adequate treatment.  In order to control panic attack symptoms, you need to help prevent them in the first place.


One option is to consult a physician about getting treatment  Some medicines on the market can help panic attack sufferers from reoccurrences.  Another option available is cognitive-behavior therapy.  This method utilizes visualization, breathing and relaxation techniques to fend off the symptoms of a panic attack when they occur.

Another option that some sufferers choose to help control panic attack symptoms is to actually face the fears.  For some, gradually confronting the situations that cause panic can help eradicate them.  There is method to this treatment, and it should be undertaken under the care of a physician or therapist so as not to aggravate the problem.

Chronic panic attacks, known as Panic Disorder, are a serious medical condition that can drastically affect the quality of your life.  Panic Disorder is not necessarily a permanent condition and it can be treated successfully.  Knowing that there are treatments out there though should help you can beat those fears and control panic attack symptoms!


By using the options that work for you to help control your panic attacks, you are able to live a life that is free of suffering from constantly being consumed with fear of your next panic attack. You can also use what you know to help others that may be in the same position you were in before you found the proper help.

Of course, encouraging someone to see their doctor is the best way to go, but because many people are afraid to seek professional help or because they are ashamed of their condition, helping them to learn breathing exercises and the like that have worked for you is something that can offer them at least a small amount of relief.

Your doctor is your best choice always when you are having trouble. He can make a correct diagnosis and get you started in the right direction to end your anxiety attacks. I have used a book and audios that have really made a difference. You can find the link at the top of my website.

Panic Attacks

Panic Attacks and Depression - You Shouldn't Have to Suffer

Panic Attacks

Today depression and panic attacks a very common for millions of people around the world. On average, fourteen million Americans suffer from major panic attack and depression.  Three million Americans suffer from panic disorder.  It is very common for those with major depression to also have panic attacks and elevated anxiety levels.  Because panic can mimic other disorders, such as hypoglycemia, heart problems, asthma and many more serious conditions, sufferers who have not been diagnosed with panic disorder can feel afraid and tentative about their health.

If you are having panic attacks, but are unaware, and are also suffering from depression, then the two can aggravate the other until proper treatment is realized.  As depression is another difficult illness to properly diagnose and treat, it is imperative to actively find treatment that works for you.

The Results of Panic Attack and Depression

People suffering from depression will feel bored, sad, hopeless, sluggish, alone and unloved.  They may suffer from insomnia, and will have elevated anxiety levels.  Because of this elevated anxiety, people with panic attack and depression will often experience panic attacks on a normal basis.  When someone has more than one panic attack, they can develop a phobia towards the situation, or a fear to return to a specific place.  Add in an already depressed view of the world, a worry that others find no worth in you, and you have a recipe for one miserable person.

Health care professionals are learning that the instances of panic attack and depression coinciding together are more common that thought.  While not everyone who is depressed will have panic attacks, many people who suffer from panic may very well be depressed.  There are certain SSRI antidepressants on the market today that are specifically recommended for use in treating anxiety along with depression.

Many people who suffer from depression do not know it.  When someone who experiences panic attack and depression has a panic attack, it can be very frightening.  Oftentimes, people in the middle of panic attacks feel like they are going to die, or that will lose their minds and “go crazy”.  This can prevent some from seeking treatment, as they do not understand what is happening to them, and fear the worse.

When the panic attack is over and the sufferer feels normal again, they may not think anything of it until it happens again.  Many people who suffer from panic attacks do not realize that they are not alone.  A person who is experiencing panic attack and depression may feel especially overwhelmed and will aggravate the situation by worrying and inflating the scenario in their mind.  They may feel hopeless to the point where they cannot see how treatment would be effective.

Treatment for depression with panic attacks is available and very effective.  Through any combination of medication, cognitive-behavior therapy and relaxation techniques, sufferers can gain control of their lives back.

The first thing you always want to do is see your doctor and discuss the symptoms and trouble that you are having. Your doctor will get you on your way to resolving your trouble.

Understanding Mood Disorders

Its shocking to note that mood disorders these days are not uncommon. In the United States alone it is estimated that between 15 and 20 million people suffer from depressive disorders. Most symptoms of depression would be characterized as overwhelming sadness and loss of joy and pleasure in daily activities. Depression has been called the "common cold of mental illness," not indicating that symptoms of depression are mild, but because they are widespread.

Bipolar disorder is one of many types of depression that affects many individuals. More recently this disorder has been given more public light. Symptoms of this disorder often include mixed states of mania and depression. Often times during the depression phase of bipolar disorder patients are plagued with thoughts of suicide, while during the manic phase the patient has far more energy than normal. Often times they are very talkative, and experience a huge boost in self-confidence.

It is estimated that bipolar disorder affects about 2.3 million adults in the United States in any given year. A worldwide accounting of bipolar disorder in adults is a lot higher. Statistical numbers of mood disorders cannot, however, describe the pain and suffering that such ones go through.


Everyone experiences a "case of the blues" from time to time, but most often it only lasts a relativly short time. This would not be considered clinical depression, which is far more serious than a "case of the blues."

What causes clinical depression? While it is not fully understood as to all the causes of clinical depression it is noted that there are many biological and emotional factors that contribute to the development of a severe depressive disorder. It effects more than 19 million American's a year, and it is estimated that approximately 3% to 5% of teenagers suffer from clinical depression every year.

Those suffering from chronic depression often fail to realize the seriousness of their condition. Just how serious is it? It has often been linked to lack of performance, alcohol and drug abuse, severe feelings of worthlessness and guilt, and in many cases suicide.

Often times having an empathetic friend that will lend a listening ear can bring great relief. However because the biochemical factor that is involved with the disorder it is not often realistic to rely solely on your friends listening ear.

Mood disorders such as clinical depression often have a great impact on family members. However, there are things that family members can do to help those ailing from the condition. Wholehearted support is vital when a loved one is suffering from this disorder. It is often helpful to study up on the condition and become thoroughly familiar with the disorder. This will allow ones to be able to better cope and deal with the sufferer.

Bipolar Disorder

Living with depression can be a great challenge, but the challenge is even greater when it is coupled with mania, a mood swing in bipolar disorder. Family members may often be confused as to the erratic behavior of those suffering from bipolar disorder. States Becky, "Its hard to see my brother switching from a happy person to such a sad person so suddenly. It's very hard on all of the family, we all feel helpless like there is nothing we can do."

Bipolar's effects are not just directed one way. Often times the pain is reflected inwards as well to the sufferer. The patient suffering from bipolar disorder may often be left confused at the lack of stability in their life.

What is the cause of bipolar disorder? Through several studies scientists are trying to uncover the cause of bipolar disorder. While there is no known single cause of bipolar disorder it is know that genetics plays a big part in the cause. Family members that are directly related to ones who suffer from bipolar depression have a greater chance of developing the bipolar or major depression in your lifetime.

Bipolar disorder knows no gender, and has an equal opportunity of affecting both sexes. Most often the disorder starts developing in young adulthood, however cases studies have shown development of the disorder in younger age groups. Since the symptoms are so wide in their range it is often hard to detect, especially when intervals between mania and depression can last years.

While living with depression or bipolar depression may be hard, and equally as hard to diagnose there is hope for those that suffer from them.

Using Exercise to Battle Depression

The last thing most people who suffer from depression want to do is exercise. The dark hole of depression can make even getting out of bed everyday a seemingly impossible task. If you suffer from depression it is imperative that you see your doctor or a therapist first, but don’t be surprised if they prescribe some sort of exercise regimen for you to follow in addition to some of the more normal treatments for depression.

Now as hard as it may seem to get out and start exercising when you are depressed there are some real benefits to be had.

1. Improves your confidence. As you get in better shape you will gain more confidence in yourself and your ability to meet your goals.

2. Increases your self-esteem. Exercise will improve your appearance and your sense of self worth. It will also improve your health and vitality.

3. A distraction. Having a set schedule for your exercise routine, no matter what it is, gives you something to look forward to and can help take your mind off of your problems.

4. Stress relief. Exercise is a great way to relieve stress and frustration.

5. Getting out.  Exercising allows you to get out and interact with other people, whether at the gym or just greeting people during your nightly walk.

6. Good coping strategy. Exercise is beneficial to anyone who does it. It is a positive way to deal with depression, anxiety or stress because you will benefit in the long run from it.

An important thing to remember is that as hard as it may seem to start exercising when you are depressed is that if you can get started the benefits will far outweigh any negative thoughts you may have about doing it. And once you get going don’t give up. Once you’ve decided to start exercising make sure you don’t over do it. Because nothing will cause you to loose all interest than a sore and broken body. Here are some general guidelines to consider before you start your exercise program.

1. Talk to your doctor or therapist first. They can help guide you and refer you to someone who can help you set up an exercise program that’s right for you.

2. Set simple goals. Exercise should be fun and make you feel good. Don’t approach it like you are training for the Olympics. Start easy and build from there.

3. Go with what you enjoy.  If you have worked out in the past and enjoyed what you were doing start with that again. For some people just simply going for a walk is enjoyable for them.

4. Find a workout buddy. Exercising with a friend is great for helping lift your mood. It gives you someone to talk to and enjoy your work-out with.

5. Go outside. Getting out in the fresh air and sun is always a good way to improve your mood. Even if you work-out in a gym, take the time to go for a walks a couple of times a week.

6. Don’t let setbacks get you down. Some days you may not be able to get in your exercise. Don’t let that bother you, it happens to everyone. Keep at it and you will see your growth.

Using exercise as a treatment for depression is a growing trend. But you should always consult your doctor or therapist if you are feeling depressed or exhibit the symptoms of depression. Embarking on an exercise program on your own is not the right thing to do. It should be used in conjunction with other treatments such as medication and therapy. Taken together with these other therapies, exercise can be a great way to help battle your depression.

3 Ways To Deal With Social Anxiety

Social Anxiety Disorder is a Psychiatric disorder that attacks one out of every eight Americans. Those who have the disorder can become physically sick in social situations. This disorder can devastate more than your self esteem, it can destroy your marriage, finances and many other aspects of your life. The disorder is characterized by fear of social situations.

There is help for people suffering with this disorder. If you seek treatment, you will be able to obtain medications, counseling and support group information to help cope with this psychiatric disorder. After seeking treatment, there are things that you can do to help alleviate stressful social situations and ways to begin to reacquaint yourself with friends and family members.

First, read everything you can on the disorder. Visit your local library and check out books on the subject. Then, check out books with topics on building self-esteem, positive thinking, public speaking, anything that you think will empower you to gain more confidence. You can not just “snap your fingers” and have this disorder just disappear You need to read everything you can on the subject and subjects that will help you re-build your own self-worth.

2) Start and maintain a daily, weekly, and monthly journal. In the daily journal write down where you are right now in your life. Write about any and all social situations. How did you feel in those social situations? How do you think other people reacted to you and how did you react to them? Did you feel sick today when you were in the social situation?

At the end of the week, summarize your set-backs and itemize your progress. At the end of the month, write two pages in your journal. The first page should summarize any difficult situations and how you overcame the situation, or how you dealt with it. The second page should summarize the social events and social situations where you felt comfortable and why you felt comfortable. How did you feel overall? While this may seem to be a waste of time, the journals will help you face and overcome your fears.

3) Set social goals for yourself and follow through on them. If you are extremely uneasy at the mall, then go to the mall and walk in. Then walk out, immediately. If your social anxiety seems to attack you when you are in the middle of a crowded building, walk to the center of the crowd, and immediately turn and walk away. Take small practical steps at the start and them move on to the more challenging issues you may have.

Finally, always talk to your Doctor openly and honestly. Take your medication and try to overcome your social anxiety so that you can experience the life that you deserve to live at the very fullest. Stressful social situations happen to everyone at some point in their lives and one out of every eight people know how you feel to be living with something much worse than 'one social situation', you are not alone at all and though there is little comfort in knowing that you aren’t alone , do know that you are understood.

How a Narcissist Mother Plays The Victim to Hide Her Abuse (Video)

Having had the dubious pleasure of being up close and personal with a family of narcissists I have seen first hand the insidious actions of a narcissistic mother who abused all of her children and especially the scapegoat then cried to all around her about how all she wanted was the best for him and that he kept pushing her away/acting out and she just didn't know why. 

The scapegoat would receive angry phone calls from family members and friends of the family while the mother would enjoy the lashings of sympathy she got for being such a great mother and having it thrown back in her face by her ungrateful unruly child. Her public mask was so good that no one would ever believe she my have done or said something dreadful to be pushed away in the first place and the scapegoat became ever increasingly isolated and rejected by those he knew and loved. 

If you suspect you may have a narcissistic mother or this situation sounds all too familiar watch this video and find out how a narcissistic mother plays the victim in order to further abuse the real victim

Stay strong

The Scapegoat

How Your Narcissistic Mother Will Alienate You From Your Children (Video)

If you recognise that your mother is a narcissist but you think she wouldn't dare harm your children you need to think again. See it this way if she could harm her own children what makes you think she won't harm yours? What's worse is she could treat them so well it turns them against you forever , how could she do that you say and is there such a things as too well? 

Unfortunately yes and the kicker is trying to get anyone to understand why you had to remove your childs grandparents from their life is a tricky one to get people to understand without having to go deep into detail about the abuse you suffered and even then you may be faced with the response 
But you can't cut their grandparents out!

This makes you feel like you may as well be banging your head against a brick wall and especially if the narcissist's mask is that of a loving and caring person a warm and charming woman who loves nothing more than to dote on and spoil her grandchildren. This is especially hard for the scapegoat of the family since you more than likely already have a bad name amongst the family and friends of the family as a bad seed/black sheep/problem child and now you want to deny your child a loving grandparent but let me reassure you,

You are absolutely right to protect your child from abusers all abusers up to and including your family, yes its hard and yes you are likely to face a lot of criticism but take it from someone who knows a bit of grief off people who are too ignorant to even try to understand or those who are totally fooled by the mask of the narcissist is worth it to be safe in the knowledge